Clinic - School Nurse

Welcome to Vaughan's School Nurse Page

Virginia Department of Health

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

National Institute of Health (NIH)

World Health Organization (WHO)

When Should Your Child Stay Home from School?

Per regulation 757-1, the following are reasons for which your child may be sent home from school or when parents should keep their child home from school:

1. Fever of 100.4° F and over - exclude until student has been fever-free without the use of fever reducing medication for at least 24 hours.

2. Conjunctivitis (pink eye), strep infections, ringworm, and impetigo are all infections and must be treated with medication for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school. Please do not allow affected students back before this time so that other students are not infected unnecessarily.

3. Rash of unknown origin with fever and/or behavioral changes, until a primary care provider has determined that the illness is not a communicable disease.

4. Head injury.

5. Severe coughing or difficulty breathing.

6. Colds - a child with thick or constant nasal discharge should remain home.

7. Diarrhea - sudden increase in frequency to more than three loose/watery stools per day. Exclude until student has been symptom free for at least 24 hours.

8. Vomiting - unless the vomiting is determined to be caused by a diagnosed non-communicable/non-infectious condition (such as dysmenorrhea, dysphagia, etc.).

9. Abdominal pain that continues for more than two hours or intermittent abdominal pain associated with fever or other signs or symptoms.

10. Stiff neck associated with fever and/or a recent injury.

11. Inadequate immunizations with known disease outbreak in school.

12. Refer to the Virginia Department of Health's "Communicable Disease Reference Chart for School Personnel" for other exclusions/information.

Medications at School and Health Conditions

Student who need medication, including "over the counter", at school will need to have an
Authorization for Medication Administration form (Attachment I). It must be received for each medication and must be submitted to the clinic prior to the medication being given at school. The medication needs to be brought into the clinic by an adult, in the original sealed container.


The appropriate Health Treatment Plan (HTP) for asthma, allergy, seizure, and diabetes medications must be completed. Medications will not be accepted without receipt of the appropriate form.

You can access the Health Forms and Regulations on the main PWCS website.

School Entrance Physicals

In compliance with the Code of Virginia, students must have a comprehensive physical examination performed within the 12 months prior to the date that the student first enters such preschool, public kindergarten, or elementary school
This documentation must be provided to the school nurse prior to the first day
of school.

Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Form (PDF)